How I became a Blunderite*

I didn’t intend to become a Blunderite. It just happened. One day I was normal. The next day I was sitting at the Blunderite table at the Birchmere listening to my husband belt out all the lyrics to Alice’s Restaurant while pounding on the table so fiercely that he spilled a drink on Don and Agnes (fellow Blunderites.) Regardless of how I got here, I enjoy being a part of a group that takes their music seriously and life lightheartedly. Today as John and I celebrate our 19th wedding anniversary (and begin making plans to celebrate our 20th in Rome) I can’t say it any better than Arlo did. (Happy Anniversary, Honey...and thanks for the roses!)

It's been years since we've been married
I know we paid some dues
Now ain't it something just to lie here together Just me and you
Outlasting the blues
* A person who has entered Blunderdom (Arlo's domain)
** Photo by Cheryl Harrell, Arlo Fanatic

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