Old enough to give you dreams

Between coughing and squirming to get comfortable in what should be a comfortable bed – my feather bed below me and a down comforter on top of me – I dream.I dream about trying to take a final exam in a class I never attended with a pen that won’t write in a crowded classroom where I can’t find a seat.

Between coughing and squirming to get comfortable in what should be a comfortable bed – my feather bed below me and a down comforter on top of me – I dream. I dream about heavy rain. Probably prompted by the sound of acorns hitting the skylight above my bed. I dream about babies. Not mine. And I awake to find learn I am a great aunt. “Reva had a baby” John calls from the other room. “She named it Raven. Looks like she has a Mohawk.” I sigh. The line goes on. Mama and Daddy had three children. My sister and I had none. My brother had two. One is gay and happy. Reva is the only one scattering seed. All our genes now depending on a little girl with a
Mohawk named Raven.

I wonder if Raven dreams or if she is content giving me dreams.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Brenda, your words are beautiful, your images tantalizing and warm.You've got to get your book published and let the world see that your another John Steinbeck.BB
Help me put together a blog when you get to the Winterfest. Love ya.