Balls, Dogs and Kindness

Every weekend morning at 8 am we all take our dogs to the park at the end of the block and allow our dogs to play together…in spite of the prominently displayed sign that reads “All Dogs Must be on Leash”. It is very illegal. This Saturday Arlo ran after one of Arledge’s balls…the kind you throw, not the other kind. Arledge is a standard poodle. His owner threw a second ball. Arlo went after that one too. Now Arlo was running around the park with TWO balls in his mouth and it cracked me up. My neighbor said nothing, but he leashed his poodle and marched out of the park, muttering under his breath. I thought it was a little strange, but I shrugged it off. I took Arlo and Darcy home and went to my yoga class. When I got back there was a two-page letter in my mailbox addressed to Arlo and me. An angry letter about balls and manners. My first reaction was to march over to my neighbor’s house and give him a piece of my mind. Thank goodness for restraint of pen and tongue…and the fact that during Lent, instead of “giving something up” I have decided to practice KINDNESS. So instead of making an ass out of myself, I drove to PetSmart and bought three bags of multi-colored tennis balls. Then I came back home and shot several digital photos of Arlo SURROUNDED by the balls. I kept snapping until I got one where Arlo had just the right expression. Then I printed that picture on a photo card with the message:

Dear Arledge:
Sorry I took your balls. I will try to be a better neighbor.
Your Friend, Arlo

I attached the card to the bag of balls and went over to my neighbor’s house. Instead of just leaving the peace offering in the mailbox, I rang the doorbell. I heard Arledge barking like crazy on the other side of the door and my neighbor yelling at his poodle to be quiet. For a moment, I wondered whether I was doing the right thing. But it was too late. The door opened. I handed the balls to my neighbor. “These are for Arledge.” The next morning we were all in the park again. All the dogs got along. All the people got along. I carried along some extra balls and left them behind, just in case.

1 comment:

Mary Hilton said...

Good Arlo. Good Brenda. Once again, a beautifully written and inspiring piece. Impressed by your kindness -- Mary